
I’m a writer, primarily of Science Fiction, but I like to think I’m flexible.  I have a wide variety of interests.

Literature has been an obsession of mine since very young.  Of all the art forms, I feel I am most comfortable expressing myself in this medium.  I have played music, I have painted, I have sculpted, but with those things there always seemed to be a barrier between me and my work.  I enjoyed creating them, and I did so with, I believe, a fair amount of talent, but it was mechanical.  Music didn’t breath out from my soul.  Paintings didn’t pour from my heart. But when I would write something… that was different.

I fell in love with writing poetry when I was about nine or ten, I wrote my first book at twelve, and I’ve been writing ever since.  I wrote hundreds of short stories, story premises, and story beginnings, and I wrote five books whose express purpose was to experiment and push myself to grow as a writer.  Now I’m working on my sixth, which is not an experiment, but a work I intend to publish.

This blog was mostly created so I could participate in blog battles, but I may expand it to include some of my other works.  I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I enjoyed writing them!

9 thoughts on “About

Penny for your thoughts? Positive and negative feedback equally welcome :)