A Smuggler’s Story, Part 9 – #Blogbattle #54 – Sci Fi

Cold steel pinched my wrists. Hands grasped my upper arms in a vice-like grip. Footsteps echoed in a stone corridor. Shit. I pried my eyes open against a painful blaze of artificial light, glinting off of the polished stone floor from the overhead fixtures. The lower half of my body slid along the ground behind […]

A Smuggler’s Story, Part8

Go home. Come back more prepared, I told myself as I drifted past the airlock doors. No. The Coalition should make it here within a day. I don’t have time. If that were true, wouldn’t you have heard from them by now? I shook my head to silence my doubts. I knew the fleet would […]

A Smuggler’s Story, Part 7

Dammit. What were they doing? I glanced down once more, in frustration, to the display that placidly continued to inform me that my connection had not been interrupted. Chris and his gang were still there, they just weren’t answering me. I looked again at the satellite, just beyond the windshield of the one-man-pod I was […]

A Smuggler’s Story, Part 6

I felt a bead of sweat run from my temple to my chin as I gritted my teeth in the mouth guard. I shut out the pain in the right side of my torso, keeping my eyes fixed on the blue-eyed, flaxen-haired man shifting his weight from side to side several paces in front of […]

A Smuggler’s Story, Part 5

“So what did this George person promise you to get you to leave your cushy life in the empire and come deliver a message to Coalition barbarians?” His voice held an edge of contempt and his square, German jawline twitched under tastefully cultivated stubble as he watched my reaction with dark, Italian eyes. I cleared […]

A Smuggler’s Story, Part 4

Silence. Absolute silence. The sort of silence a deaf man would hear. Cold. Intense, bitter cold, gripping my entire body in an icy embrace. Pain. Prickling, throbbing pain all over me as blood vessels broke the surface of my skin. I squinted at the asteroid in front of me, my eyes screaming with pressure they […]

A Smuggler’s Story, Part 3

Hello again, here we are with the third installment of A Smuggler’s Story and my entry for the word prompt “Forest” on Rachael Ritchey’s #blogbattle! — A Smuggler’s Story, Part 3 “I think I’m going to be sick,” I groaned aloud, leaning into the braking couch, staring through the forest of trash that I hadn’t […]

A Smuggler’s Story, Part 2

Hello all, here we go with part 2 of last week’s story, and my entry for the story prompt “Indian” in Rachel Ritchey’s #blogbattle Let me know what you think! Positive and negative feedback welcome. 🙂 — A Smuggler’s Story, Part 2 Amilan Severs. Son of a terrestrial slug. Who the hell was that? I […]